We got to see all the wonderful, beautiful things Lil' has been learning at her dance class today. She is soooo carefully graceful. We are grateful for the gift of dance.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Big's Holiday Sing-A-long marathon was last night. It was a fantastic soup of carols and holiday poems. It was amazing that those kids could remember all the words they were responsible for. There were about 15 songs and poems all together. C'mon teachers, give us, I mean them, a break! It was really cute but poor Big was burning up because I made him wear his Christmas sweater and it was 67 degrees outside and about 102 inside with all the people and lights! This is when he first spotted us in the crowd. We are grateful for the gift of song.

We got to see all the wonderful, beautiful things Lil' has been learning at her dance class today. She is soooo carefully graceful. We are grateful for the gift of dance.

On this holiday and throughout the year, we are grateful for our beautiful and precious children. We are grateful for our sweet and loving family. We are grateful for our amazing friendships and the love that surrounds our lives. We. Are. Grateful.
We got to see all the wonderful, beautiful things Lil' has been learning at her dance class today. She is soooo carefully graceful. We are grateful for the gift of dance.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
They Will Never Ever Forget You
I have lots of great memories from growing up. They all float around in my head from day to day and come to my consciousness from time to time reminding me of something from my past. Memory can be a great gift.
I will never forget a hero I had in high school. He was magnetic. A force. A beautiful force with a bright shining smile. He was everything. Could do anything. And he always did it well. He once carried me off the softball field when I broke my foot. He picked me up like I was a feather. Like a firefighter would in a fire. Like a cop would after an accident. He grew up. He became a real hero and has been a pilot in the military for a long time now.
He has brain cancer now. They say he is going to pass before Christmas. I pray for his family. His friends. For all the people he touched because there is a long, long list of us. Be a good memory for someone and they will never ever forget you.
I will never forget a hero I had in high school. He was magnetic. A force. A beautiful force with a bright shining smile. He was everything. Could do anything. And he always did it well. He once carried me off the softball field when I broke my foot. He picked me up like I was a feather. Like a firefighter would in a fire. Like a cop would after an accident. He grew up. He became a real hero and has been a pilot in the military for a long time now.
He has brain cancer now. They say he is going to pass before Christmas. I pray for his family. His friends. For all the people he touched because there is a long, long list of us. Be a good memory for someone and they will never ever forget you.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Yep. That's the One.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
I Promise My Heart
While the men spent the day yesterday chopping firewood, my little lady Lil' helped me bake some cookies. I cherish moments like this because I know when she's older, she's not going to want to be around me. I can see it coming. She's gonna be testy. Because of this, I made her promise that when she's older, she'll still want to hang out with me. I envisioned our cookie baking days in the future and they looked very similar to yesterday, although they involved wine. Yesterday, we just had hot chocolate. She said, "I promise my heart Mommy." I said, "You mean you cross your heart?" She said, "No, I promise my heart." I said (sniff, sniff), "Ok, I'll take it."
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Walk a Little Lighter
Alright first of all let me say this. I am aware that the following does no good for our family's carbon footprint. I'm sorry about that. I just can't help it. Once it starts... I just can't stop.

Our tree has a bit of a rough backside. I can identify with that so I'm ok with it.

Our footprint will recover. We'll all just walk a little lighter.
Our tree has a bit of a rough backside. I can identify with that so I'm ok with it.
Our footprint will recover. We'll all just walk a little lighter.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's On Like Donkey Kong
It is upon us. I see it in their eyes. I hear it in their voices. The hounds have been released and they smell... Christmas. Things have gotten a lot louder in our house this week. There is the usual constant motion and commotion but its mixed with sounds of ornaments falling off the tree and the occasional shriek of "There he is" or "Look at those lights." I can't blame them though. I love Christmas too.
What I love about it has changed over the years. Gotten a little more detailed. I love watching the movie "Christmas Vacation." Who doesn't? But what I love the most is when the little doors of Dec. 24th open up on the Christmas advent house. Don't ask me why, I just do. It's my favorite part.
I also love the way a Santa hat feels. Can't explain it. I just know that there's nothing else that feels that way in the whole world.
One other random thing is the electric candles in the windows. If Daddy would let me, I'd leave them on in my room all night. I love staring at them from the inside of the house and the feeling of excitement that I've gotten from that since I was a little girl.
Anywho - My kids are pumped, primed and ready. Lil' had her Christmas program tonight at school and she was amazing. After tonight, it's on like Donkey Kong.

What I love about it has changed over the years. Gotten a little more detailed. I love watching the movie "Christmas Vacation." Who doesn't? But what I love the most is when the little doors of Dec. 24th open up on the Christmas advent house. Don't ask me why, I just do. It's my favorite part.
I also love the way a Santa hat feels. Can't explain it. I just know that there's nothing else that feels that way in the whole world.
One other random thing is the electric candles in the windows. If Daddy would let me, I'd leave them on in my room all night. I love staring at them from the inside of the house and the feeling of excitement that I've gotten from that since I was a little girl.
Anywho - My kids are pumped, primed and ready. Lil' had her Christmas program tonight at school and she was amazing. After tonight, it's on like Donkey Kong.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's Really Always Been There
Big got a hold of the face paint crayons the night before we left to go to Chapin for Thanksgiving. He came jumping down the stairs just like this and Daddy and I cracked up. His name is Chief Run and boy did he. All around the house. All over the place. All weekend long.
Lil' got a big ole' cold before we left.You can see it in her eyes. That flash in the background is Chief Run.
Sweet little Miss E. made her first Thanksgiving appearance with great style and grace.
We had a big crowd for dinner. We all wrote down the things we were thankful for. Big wrote his own and came up with it all by himself. "I am thankful for my family," he said. Lil' said, "I am thankful for my blankie."
This Thanksgiving I was thankful for all the new family members I received this year: Chippie, Leann, Miss E., Cameron and Quinn.
That's a whole bunch of new love that really has always been there.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Like the Way I Look
Big is starting to get very opinionated about what he wears. He's never cared before except for that maybe his cape wasn't correctly attached to his Batman suit but for whatever reason, he cares now.
He likes to wear his pants pulled up really high which means I still have to make sure that any jeans I buy have the elastic on the inside. He's scared that someone might see his underwear. I try to explain that it would be slightly more embarrassing if they caught him without wearing any at all.
Lately, on his way out the door to school, after he brushes his hair and teeth, he says, "Mama, I like the way I look." Just like that. I think he maybe heard the guy from the Men's Warehouse commercial say, "You're gonna like the way you look" and even though the boy has no suit, he does.
I'm glad he has confidence. I hope he keeps it. I hope every morning when he grows up he walks out the door saying to himself, "I like the way I look."
He likes to wear his pants pulled up really high which means I still have to make sure that any jeans I buy have the elastic on the inside. He's scared that someone might see his underwear. I try to explain that it would be slightly more embarrassing if they caught him without wearing any at all.
Lately, on his way out the door to school, after he brushes his hair and teeth, he says, "Mama, I like the way I look." Just like that. I think he maybe heard the guy from the Men's Warehouse commercial say, "You're gonna like the way you look" and even though the boy has no suit, he does.
I'm glad he has confidence. I hope he keeps it. I hope every morning when he grows up he walks out the door saying to himself, "I like the way I look."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Big Ole' W
I took the kids to see my office last night. Nettie came with us cause Daddy is in Atlanta for the week on business. For 2.8 minutes, Big thought I was the coolest Mama in the world. We had pretty good seats...

Big got to take some shots on the court and I'm proud to say that all 48" of him launched the ball and made 6 baskets. Please. Look at the follow through.

Lil' even had fun. She now wants to be a cheerleader. Geez, louise.

2 sprites + 1 box of popcorn + 4 dum-dum suckers + 1 foam finger + 2 pom-poms = A big ole' W.

Big got to take some shots on the court and I'm proud to say that all 48" of him launched the ball and made 6 baskets. Please. Look at the follow through.

Lil' even had fun. She now wants to be a cheerleader. Geez, louise.

2 sprites + 1 box of popcorn + 4 dum-dum suckers + 1 foam finger + 2 pom-poms = A big ole' W.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Me: You're crazy Lil'.
Lil: I not k-z. U r.
Me: You talk too much Lil'.
Lil: U calk too much Mom.
Lil: I hun-g.
Me: You're fine.
Lil: Nuh-huh. My tummy not fat like urs.
Lil: I not k-z. U r.
Me: You talk too much Lil'.
Lil: U calk too much Mom.
Lil: I hun-g.
Me: You're fine.
Lil: Nuh-huh. My tummy not fat like urs.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Still Makin Me Chuckle
Lil' cracks me up when she says our last name. And yesterday, she gave me a real doozie when she yelled as loud as she could at carpool for her brother.
It's still makin me chuckle...
It's still makin me chuckle...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Manning Her Up
The other day I started thinking about some of the things my Dad has taught me over the years. Of the bajillion, these are some I want you to remind me about if I forget to tell you by the time you grow up.
- To backup a trailer, you need to put your hand at the bottom of the steering
wheel. When you turn the wheel, whichever way your hand goes, is the way the
trailer will go.
- When you fill your gas tank up in your car and there's not a notch on the pump to
catch the handle so you can walk away, lodge your gas cap in there to hold the
handle up.
- When driving a car or shooting a gun, aim for where you are gonna be or the bird
is gonna be.
- When you want a puppy to follow you or come, say "hey, hey" instead of the dog's
name and run a little so it will chase you.
- Don't touch the brakes when you go through a puddle on the road.
- An empty shotgun shell makes a great whistle.
- If your car gets stuck in the mud, wedge wood in the front and back of each rear
tire. That will help give you some traction.
The list keeps going for another day or two but these were some of the things I thought of riding down the road the other day. Hence, the car related info. Meanwhile - I came across this picture of Lil' and Papa the other day. She loves him.
And he's gonna man her up just like he did with me.
- To backup a trailer, you need to put your hand at the bottom of the steering
wheel. When you turn the wheel, whichever way your hand goes, is the way the
trailer will go.
- When you fill your gas tank up in your car and there's not a notch on the pump to
catch the handle so you can walk away, lodge your gas cap in there to hold the
handle up.
- When driving a car or shooting a gun, aim for where you are gonna be or the bird
is gonna be.
- When you want a puppy to follow you or come, say "hey, hey" instead of the dog's
name and run a little so it will chase you.
- Don't touch the brakes when you go through a puddle on the road.
- An empty shotgun shell makes a great whistle.
- If your car gets stuck in the mud, wedge wood in the front and back of each rear
tire. That will help give you some traction.
The list keeps going for another day or two but these were some of the things I thought of riding down the road the other day. Hence, the car related info. Meanwhile - I came across this picture of Lil' and Papa the other day. She loves him.

And he's gonna man her up just like he did with me.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What You Gave Out for Halloween
I've never been much for Halloween but it is much more fun now that the kids are here. Daddy even gets into it. He did this all by himself. Like the pumpkin, scared of the knife and the smile...

Anyways, moving along. Gone are the days of cute little clowns and sweet peas. They're still cute but now they decide their own costumes.

My favorite costumes from when I was young were when my little brother and I dressed up like the Ghostbusters and used my Dad's asbestos removal suits. I also can remember being a hobo a couple of times. One time I added an extra large hiney in my pants with toilet paper. That was funny but got tricky as the night wore on.
The next door neighbor always gave out the best stuff. Sometimes it was popcorn balls, sometimes it was a a little cluster of mixed chocolatey goodness but whatever it was, it was always wrapped up in a special little bag that added just the right ooomph. Ms. Verlene was not known as a nice lady generally speaking, but she sure did give out good Halloween candy. I guess you gotta be remembered for something. Why not what you gave out for Halloween?
Anyways, moving along. Gone are the days of cute little clowns and sweet peas. They're still cute but now they decide their own costumes.
My favorite costumes from when I was young were when my little brother and I dressed up like the Ghostbusters and used my Dad's asbestos removal suits. I also can remember being a hobo a couple of times. One time I added an extra large hiney in my pants with toilet paper. That was funny but got tricky as the night wore on.
The next door neighbor always gave out the best stuff. Sometimes it was popcorn balls, sometimes it was a a little cluster of mixed chocolatey goodness but whatever it was, it was always wrapped up in a special little bag that added just the right ooomph. Ms. Verlene was not known as a nice lady generally speaking, but she sure did give out good Halloween candy. I guess you gotta be remembered for something. Why not what you gave out for Halloween?
Monday, November 2, 2009
It Was a Good One
A long time ago, we started telling Big that when there was a pretty sunset, it was because he had been a good boy and it was a little extra gift from God that day. So now, he loves a good sunset. I'm pretty sure that he might be one of a very few 6 year old boys who loves the sunset but he does.
Yesterday, we had a real doozie. It was one of the most beautiful displays I've ever seen and reflected on the water, it was even more spectacular. People actually stopped alongside the road by our house to take pictures of it. It was as if there was a rare wildlife viewing. But it was only the sun. If you can imagine, it actually hushed Big and Lil' and their candy-induced craziness for a minute. We all sat there spell-bound and took it in.
We didn't have a camera so we'll have to use our memory to remember it. I wonder if Big will remember the sunset we saw yesterday when he's grown. If you do, let me tell you this. It really was as beautiful and big and majestic as you remember it being. It's not like the counter tops or your room where they seemed taller or bigger when you were younger. That sunset really did look like that. Trust this memory cause it was a good one.
Yesterday, we had a real doozie. It was one of the most beautiful displays I've ever seen and reflected on the water, it was even more spectacular. People actually stopped alongside the road by our house to take pictures of it. It was as if there was a rare wildlife viewing. But it was only the sun. If you can imagine, it actually hushed Big and Lil' and their candy-induced craziness for a minute. We all sat there spell-bound and took it in.
We didn't have a camera so we'll have to use our memory to remember it. I wonder if Big will remember the sunset we saw yesterday when he's grown. If you do, let me tell you this. It really was as beautiful and big and majestic as you remember it being. It's not like the counter tops or your room where they seemed taller or bigger when you were younger. That sunset really did look like that. Trust this memory cause it was a good one.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jane Bond
Lil' sleeps with alot of stuff. Here's a list of things that I found in her bed last night when I kissed her goodnight.
- (1) my little pony
- (2) babies
- (1) naked barbie
- (1) little squishy pumpkin that she's had for 2
- (2) books
- (1) princess crown
- (1) Airforce One replica
- (1) blankie
- (1) lambie
Lately she's been packing little pocketbooks with all this stuff and carrying those around when we go out during the day. It takes 3 to carry all this junk. But I tell myself, she's a woman. She's her own woman already. She thinks ahead of what she might want or need. She packs it all. She knows where each thing is at all times. She does a good job keeping up with this crazy list of Lil' necessities as she sees them.
She'll be the lady with the bag full of tricks when she grows up. She'll have the best chapstick. The perfect flavor of gum. The antiseptic that the doctors recommend. The handy wipe that doesn't burn noses. The band-aid for the unforseen booboo. The flashlight for when the lights go out. She'll have the pen and the piece of paper. And she'll be able to hem a stitch if need be. That girl is gonna have it all and she's be able to handle any situation. Like a Lady James Bond; a Jane Bond.
- (1) my little pony
- (2) babies
- (1) naked barbie
- (1) little squishy pumpkin that she's had for 2
- (2) books
- (1) princess crown
- (1) Airforce One replica
- (1) blankie
- (1) lambie
Lately she's been packing little pocketbooks with all this stuff and carrying those around when we go out during the day. It takes 3 to carry all this junk. But I tell myself, she's a woman. She's her own woman already. She thinks ahead of what she might want or need. She packs it all. She knows where each thing is at all times. She does a good job keeping up with this crazy list of Lil' necessities as she sees them.
She'll be the lady with the bag full of tricks when she grows up. She'll have the best chapstick. The perfect flavor of gum. The antiseptic that the doctors recommend. The handy wipe that doesn't burn noses. The band-aid for the unforseen booboo. The flashlight for when the lights go out. She'll have the pen and the piece of paper. And she'll be able to hem a stitch if need be. That girl is gonna have it all and she's be able to handle any situation. Like a Lady James Bond; a Jane Bond.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sure Do, Kiddo
I spoiled my kids today and I don't even care. They've had enough of wake-up, get in, get out, eat, no, don't eat, go to sleep, blahby, blah, blah. I decided to give them a day off from all that and it was fun.
You want to wear that princess outfit all day? Sure thing, kiddo. You look great. After we picked up Big, we went to the donut store. You want munchkins? You want Sprite? Sure thing, kiddo. Large or small? Next we went to Target. They went up and down the toy aisles making up Christmas lists or bir-day lists as Lil' called it. You want that who's ma bobby? Sure thing, kiddo, put it on your Christmas list. Then we went to the fire place/japanese steakhouse. It's their favorite. You want a shirley-temple? Sure thing, kiddo, here's two cherries.
I let them stay up late. I let them eat alot of candy corn. I usually hold the reigns real, real tight. But I let them go a little today and it felt real, real good. My kids had a good day today and that is all I need. You love me Mama? Sure do, kiddo.
You want to wear that princess outfit all day? Sure thing, kiddo. You look great. After we picked up Big, we went to the donut store. You want munchkins? You want Sprite? Sure thing, kiddo. Large or small? Next we went to Target. They went up and down the toy aisles making up Christmas lists or bir-day lists as Lil' called it. You want that who's ma bobby? Sure thing, kiddo, put it on your Christmas list. Then we went to the fire place/japanese steakhouse. It's their favorite. You want a shirley-temple? Sure thing, kiddo, here's two cherries.
I let them stay up late. I let them eat alot of candy corn. I usually hold the reigns real, real tight. But I let them go a little today and it felt real, real good. My kids had a good day today and that is all I need. You love me Mama? Sure do, kiddo.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sausage Balls and Whiskey
This past weekend, Daddy and I went camping. It was my first time. It was a bad weekend to go but we had a blast. Friday night it rained. It really, really rained. But the rain sounded so good on the tent it lulled me right to sleep. And then Saturday it got cold. Freezing cold with a 20mph wind blowing. I didn't sleep so well that night.
Camping is interesting because I always thought it was an easy thing to do. Get back to nature. Be simple. Not so much. You need alot of stuff in order to be comfortable. Our car was packed of everything you would need for 2 nights in the woods. I won't bore you with the list but I'll put it this way, I rode in the car with my feet propped up on a bundle of wood for 3 1/2 hours because there was no more room for it in my big SUV. Funny thing is we had all this stuff but we hardly used any of it.
I think my Mom was more worried about me camping than anyone. On Friday, we stopped by and she had made sausage balls. Oh good lawdy sausage balls. Smells like Christmas, feels like a warm blanket. Even my veggie cousin has a hard time staying veg around them. Here you go:
4 cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese
3 cups Bisquick baking mix
1 1-pound package ground sausage
1/8 tablespoon Garlic Salt
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with vegetable oil cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in a large glass bowl. Mix well with your fingers. The mixture will be very crumbly. Form into 1 inch balls, squeezing the mixture so it holds together, then rolling it between the palms of your hands to form balls. Place the balls on the baking sheet. Bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.
On Sunday, she knew we had been through some weather. So she had some soup ready for us. 2 choices: Potato and Beefy Vegetable. Both delicious.
Here's what I learned this weekend. When you camp, all that is really necessary are sausage balls and whiskey. Both will warm your tummy and if you have enough, you won't know if you're cold or not.
Camping is interesting because I always thought it was an easy thing to do. Get back to nature. Be simple. Not so much. You need alot of stuff in order to be comfortable. Our car was packed of everything you would need for 2 nights in the woods. I won't bore you with the list but I'll put it this way, I rode in the car with my feet propped up on a bundle of wood for 3 1/2 hours because there was no more room for it in my big SUV. Funny thing is we had all this stuff but we hardly used any of it.
I think my Mom was more worried about me camping than anyone. On Friday, we stopped by and she had made sausage balls. Oh good lawdy sausage balls. Smells like Christmas, feels like a warm blanket. Even my veggie cousin has a hard time staying veg around them. Here you go:
4 cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese
3 cups Bisquick baking mix
1 1-pound package ground sausage
1/8 tablespoon Garlic Salt
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with vegetable oil cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in a large glass bowl. Mix well with your fingers. The mixture will be very crumbly. Form into 1 inch balls, squeezing the mixture so it holds together, then rolling it between the palms of your hands to form balls. Place the balls on the baking sheet. Bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.
On Sunday, she knew we had been through some weather. So she had some soup ready for us. 2 choices: Potato and Beefy Vegetable. Both delicious.
Here's what I learned this weekend. When you camp, all that is really necessary are sausage balls and whiskey. Both will warm your tummy and if you have enough, you won't know if you're cold or not.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Slow Down Life. You're Moving Too Fast.
I usually love well-visits at my doctor's office. For a split second, I can look at my kids and see them as little babies again. Still growing and changing and having "new firsts". I forget about "new firsts" too much. I remember when Big was little and I told someone that I tried to do something new with him everyday that he'd never done before and it was easy because it was all new to him. Things are still new to him and even more for Lil' but I've gotten too busy to show them or share it with them. I'm going to work on that.
Anyways, the doctor confirmed what I've always known. My kids are both super long and super skinny for their ages. Big is off the charts for his height but is in the 50th percentile for weight. Our doctor says he'll most likely be 6'2 or 6'3. Lil' is in the 97th percentile for height and is expected to be around 5'7 or 5'8. She's also a skinny minny and in the 50th percentile.
They both told the doctor that they don't like vegetables and try not to drink their milk. Thanks for the "mom of the year" vote guys. Appreciate that. She told them to wear helmets when they ride their bikes and to take vitamins.
Today at the doctor it seemed like I didn't know them. When I stopped to look at my little babies, I could hardly recognize them. They don't resemble the tiny little newborns laying on the crinkly paper anymore. They move. They jump. They are loud. The questions from the doctor aren't about pooping and bottles anymore. They are about shapes and sentences and bike helmets. Slow down life. You're moving too fast.
Anyways, the doctor confirmed what I've always known. My kids are both super long and super skinny for their ages. Big is off the charts for his height but is in the 50th percentile for weight. Our doctor says he'll most likely be 6'2 or 6'3. Lil' is in the 97th percentile for height and is expected to be around 5'7 or 5'8. She's also a skinny minny and in the 50th percentile.
They both told the doctor that they don't like vegetables and try not to drink their milk. Thanks for the "mom of the year" vote guys. Appreciate that. She told them to wear helmets when they ride their bikes and to take vitamins.
Today at the doctor it seemed like I didn't know them. When I stopped to look at my little babies, I could hardly recognize them. They don't resemble the tiny little newborns laying on the crinkly paper anymore. They move. They jump. They are loud. The questions from the doctor aren't about pooping and bottles anymore. They are about shapes and sentences and bike helmets. Slow down life. You're moving too fast.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wonderful Little Hands
Touch - Touch. Touch-Touch-Touch. Touch - Touch. I'm tired of worrying about swine flu. Regular flu. Stomach bugs. Sore throats. High fevers. Sneezes and coughs. Antibacterial goopy gop. It's only October. Jeez.
Here are some pictures of the kids hands which are one of the things I'll miss when they older. Their hands will never look like this again. Dirty fingernails. Faded stamps from school. Germ-coated, stained, smudgy wonderful little hands.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Checking out at Wal-Mart the other day:
"Mama, you have a whooo-whooo, wite?"
"Yes, Lil', that's right."
"I have a whooo-whooo too wite?"
"Right, Lil', you sure do."
"Woookie has a weeee-neeee and Daddy has a weeee-neeee."
"Uh-huh, you want some gum? How about a candy bar? A doll?"
Getting closer to the check-out lady now. Please don't. Please don't. Please don't.
"Oh, hi sweetie, you sure are cute."
"You have a whooo-whooo?"
"What's that?"
"She said she has a boo boo."
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin'. Y'all have a good day."
"Mama, you have a whooo-whooo, wite?"
"Yes, Lil', that's right."
"I have a whooo-whooo too wite?"
"Right, Lil', you sure do."
"Woookie has a weeee-neeee and Daddy has a weeee-neeee."
"Uh-huh, you want some gum? How about a candy bar? A doll?"
Getting closer to the check-out lady now. Please don't. Please don't. Please don't.
"Oh, hi sweetie, you sure are cute."
"You have a whooo-whooo?"
"What's that?"
"She said she has a boo boo."
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin'. Y'all have a good day."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Please Try A Bite
Oh, I feel like I'm falling for fall.... Anybody else know that tune from Noggin? Jeez Louise, can't get it out of my head. Another famously fabulous recipe coming at you. I usually substitute plain ole' chicken breasts (3) instead of using the fancy chicken.
Paula's Chicken Soup
Please try a bite...
Paula's Chicken Soup
Please try a bite...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
School Days, School Days
School Days, School Days. That's the only song I could hear in my head when I walked back on campus Monday. Except this time, there's no classes. It's work. I started a part-time job this week working for the CofC Basketball program. It is still cracking me up that number 1, I'm working again but number 2, it's for the College that I hold so dear.
Walking to work, I remember the places where I lived, where I went to parties, where I went to class and it becomes really hard to believe that I first stepped foot on this campus 15 years ago. Ouch. It still looks the same for the most part. The names of the buildings have changed though which seriously dates me.
It's just so funny to be back here but this time as an employee. But good for me, that the College that educated me would actually hire me back. That's a feather in my cap. Anyways, here are some pictures taken from my cell that just raise a little giggle in my throat everytime I see them. Especially the cougar card one. I've got to find my old one from when I was a student. I'd love to see that comparison.

School Days, School Days.
Walking to work, I remember the places where I lived, where I went to parties, where I went to class and it becomes really hard to believe that I first stepped foot on this campus 15 years ago. Ouch. It still looks the same for the most part. The names of the buildings have changed though which seriously dates me.
It's just so funny to be back here but this time as an employee. But good for me, that the College that educated me would actually hire me back. That's a feather in my cap. Anyways, here are some pictures taken from my cell that just raise a little giggle in my throat everytime I see them. Especially the cougar card one. I've got to find my old one from when I was a student. I'd love to see that comparison.

School Days, School Days.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Daddy Thinks I'm Emeril
It's shrimpin' season and because of this recipe from my girl, Daddy thinks I'm Emeril Lagasse.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Big, Big Way
My big ole' crazy family was taught a big ole' lesson in love this weekend by my Papa Clyde. I don't know if its possible for me to love this man anymore than I already do. All I can tell you is that I think my heart overflows with love for him these days.
All of us, cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, have tried all our lives to not dissapoint him - the patriarch of our family. His approval of our lives means the world to all of us. That's why when he said, that my beautiful cousin's happiness is all that matters to him, we all heard him. We all learned from him.
Papa Clyde is getting old now. His body doesn't do what it used to. But his mind does. He keeps on teaching us even when he thinks he isn't. And we hear the little lessons in a big, big way.
All of us, cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, have tried all our lives to not dissapoint him - the patriarch of our family. His approval of our lives means the world to all of us. That's why when he said, that my beautiful cousin's happiness is all that matters to him, we all heard him. We all learned from him.
Papa Clyde is getting old now. His body doesn't do what it used to. But his mind does. He keeps on teaching us even when he thinks he isn't. And we hear the little lessons in a big, big way.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sleeping Giants
Our tides have been crazy high lately. And I'm blaming them for my children's behavior these days. I'm sure that the tide swings their mood like the moon does. And I'm not diggin' the latest direction they've been swung. Grouchy. Cranky. High-Maintenance. Crazy. Hyper. Loud. Unstoppable. Ag-gri-va-tin.
But now they're sleeping. And take a looksee at how sweet they are.

Careful - you're looking at sleeping giants.
But now they're sleeping. And take a looksee at how sweet they are.
Careful - you're looking at sleeping giants.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
You Just Have To Notice Them
You'll find your life in mud pan. After all the mulky, milky, sandy, silty, crap has washed away, all that really ever mattered are the rocks that are left behind. You just have to notice them.
Princesses Do Wear Hiking Boots
It's often brought to my attention that I'm sort of a girl who does some boyish things. I mow our grass (usually). I shoot guns (sometimes). I love to fish (anytime). I prefer beer over wine (daily). I like to play in the woods (whenever I can). Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of girly things I like but there's just a part of me that will always want to be my Dad's first born son.
There's a book I love. It's perfect for someone like Lil' who is soooo prissy but has a Mama who gets a little dirty now and again. I think it helps to put us on the same page. Here it is:

Yes Lil', Princesses do wear hiking boots.
There's a book I love. It's perfect for someone like Lil' who is soooo prissy but has a Mama who gets a little dirty now and again. I think it helps to put us on the same page. Here it is:

Yes Lil', Princesses do wear hiking boots.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Altitude, Attitude and Spirit
Daddy and I finally celebrated our anniversary last week. 10 years deserves something special you know. We celebrated in the mountains, walking in the woods and fishing in the rivers. We went to Wyoming and it was amazing.
There's something to be said about taking a breather. A breather from where you live. A breather from where you work. A breather from what you do everyday. And thanks to ours, I've never felt more refreshed than I do today.
I can only remember one other time in my life when I missed someone so desperately that was always just right in front of me. That was when I had Lil' and no matter what I did, I just couldn't stop missing Big even though he was right there. I just couldn't seem to get my hands on him.
When we went out west, I realized that I'd been feeling that way for a long time about your Daddy. I've been missing him for a while now too. I'm glad we took the time and I could realize that so I won't have to miss him anymore.
Sometimes a slight adjustment in altitude, attitude and spirit can make a huge
There's something to be said about taking a breather. A breather from where you live. A breather from where you work. A breather from what you do everyday. And thanks to ours, I've never felt more refreshed than I do today.
I can only remember one other time in my life when I missed someone so desperately that was always just right in front of me. That was when I had Lil' and no matter what I did, I just couldn't stop missing Big even though he was right there. I just couldn't seem to get my hands on him.
When we went out west, I realized that I'd been feeling that way for a long time about your Daddy. I've been missing him for a while now too. I'm glad we took the time and I could realize that so I won't have to miss him anymore.
Sometimes a slight adjustment in altitude, attitude and spirit can make a huge
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Daddy's Mama
Since I will be away from my blog for a while, I wanted to post this tonight. Daddy's Mama's birthday is coming on Saturday. Happy Birthday Woman!
Here are some things your Mama has been known to do.
Loan you money for my engagement ring.
Give you one of her rings for my wedding band.
Treat me like a daughter from the first time we met.
Get you a washer and dryer when yours dies and you have no money for another.
Buy your kids new clothes season after season, year after year.
Spend hours picking out birthday cards because she really does care to send the very best.
Save dogs from crazy hot Arizona heat.
Organize your closet.
Drive across the country to see her Grandkids.
Inspire you to exercise.
Buy your lunch or dinner every single time you're with her.
Decorate your house.
Talk your husband into buying you ridiculously expensive bags and beautiful, timeless jewelry.
Babysit your kids until the wee hours of the morning and then drive home 25 minutes.
Ask all her friends and family to buy her your jewelry for her birthday just so she can help you out.
I could go on and on. And the people who know her and love her could too. I'm so glad you were born and I'm so glad you are Daddy's Mama. Happy Birthday!
Here are some things your Mama has been known to do.
Loan you money for my engagement ring.
Give you one of her rings for my wedding band.
Treat me like a daughter from the first time we met.
Get you a washer and dryer when yours dies and you have no money for another.
Buy your kids new clothes season after season, year after year.
Spend hours picking out birthday cards because she really does care to send the very best.
Save dogs from crazy hot Arizona heat.
Organize your closet.
Drive across the country to see her Grandkids.
Inspire you to exercise.
Buy your lunch or dinner every single time you're with her.
Decorate your house.
Talk your husband into buying you ridiculously expensive bags and beautiful, timeless jewelry.
Babysit your kids until the wee hours of the morning and then drive home 25 minutes.
Ask all her friends and family to buy her your jewelry for her birthday just so she can help you out.
I could go on and on. And the people who know her and love her could too. I'm so glad you were born and I'm so glad you are Daddy's Mama. Happy Birthday!
Another Day In The Jungle
Daddy's been taking alot of pictures lately and messing with them in Adobe. He is loving the HDR application. These pictures were taken the other day when we went to Waterfront Park with Grandma and Grandpa.
Yes, Big does love his Star Wars shirt and only sometimes will wear a different one. We just can't seem to get a picture of him in anything else.

Lil's hair really does have its own personality.

Do you think she'll ever hunt or play in mud like I used to?

Just another day in the jungle...
Yes, Big does love his Star Wars shirt and only sometimes will wear a different one. We just can't seem to get a picture of him in anything else.

Lil's hair really does have its own personality.

Do you think she'll ever hunt or play in mud like I used to?

Just another day in the jungle...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Little Lil'
Today is my little Lil's birthday. And she came into this world, much like she's lived it so far, by surprising us at every chance. I was scheduled for a c-section but actually went into labor a little earlier with her. Daddy was her hero from her first moment on this earth. She had some trouble breathing so he stayed with her for as long as it took for her to stabilize.
She's continued to surprise us with how incredibly beautiful she is. How much she can make us laugh and the sheer joy she's brought to our family. I remember being worried about whether or not I had enough love in my heart to share it with her. And what is amazing is how much love your heart can hold. She is the light of this family. Of that, I am quite sure.
We celebrated her birthday this weekend with good friends and family. Miss E. made her first trip to our house and what a gift that was. Lil's favorite things right now are mermaids so...
I had to give her one.

It was a swim party of course...

Keeping with the theme...

The lovely Miss E...

So now its just me and Lil'. Her brother is at school. Daddy went to work. Today, we're gonna do whatever she wants to do. I'm sure that's going to involve some makeup and fingernail polish and probably some sort of doll playing. It's all fine with me as long as I'm with her. Cause she's my "bess fend."
Happy Birthday little Lil'!
She's continued to surprise us with how incredibly beautiful she is. How much she can make us laugh and the sheer joy she's brought to our family. I remember being worried about whether or not I had enough love in my heart to share it with her. And what is amazing is how much love your heart can hold. She is the light of this family. Of that, I am quite sure.
We celebrated her birthday this weekend with good friends and family. Miss E. made her first trip to our house and what a gift that was. Lil's favorite things right now are mermaids so...
I had to give her one.
It was a swim party of course...
Keeping with the theme...
The lovely Miss E...
So now its just me and Lil'. Her brother is at school. Daddy went to work. Today, we're gonna do whatever she wants to do. I'm sure that's going to involve some makeup and fingernail polish and probably some sort of doll playing. It's all fine with me as long as I'm with her. Cause she's my "bess fend."
Happy Birthday little Lil'!
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Best Decision I Ever Made
Ten years ago Friday, Daddy and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. Our family's first birth. We looked back on the day and remembered what stood out for us. His things were how hot it was, my brother walking in the church with his tux balled up under his arm, seeing all our friends on the carriage after the ceremony. My things were drinking whiskey on the steps of the church before walking down the aisle (an old family tradition), seeing Daddy at the end of the aisle and watching him cry when he said his vows.
I remembered thinking about my tenth anniversary on my wedding day. It's amazing how quickly it came. Here's what's funny though - ten years of marriage seems like a long time but its really not. It's more of a drop in the bucket if you think about it. We have roughly 5 more decades of marriage to go in our lives. And that seems like alot. But I know its going to fly by.
In ten years, we've had our share of good days and bad days. But I would do it all over again. Every day, every minute. Good and bad. I can't imagine my life any other way and I can't imagine ever being without Daddy. Sept. 4, 1999 made me happier, made me stronger and gave me peace and it was the best decision I ever made.
I remembered thinking about my tenth anniversary on my wedding day. It's amazing how quickly it came. Here's what's funny though - ten years of marriage seems like a long time but its really not. It's more of a drop in the bucket if you think about it. We have roughly 5 more decades of marriage to go in our lives. And that seems like alot. But I know its going to fly by.
In ten years, we've had our share of good days and bad days. But I would do it all over again. Every day, every minute. Good and bad. I can't imagine my life any other way and I can't imagine ever being without Daddy. Sept. 4, 1999 made me happier, made me stronger and gave me peace and it was the best decision I ever made.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I'm Rollin' the Dice
Foof, what a week! Alright, so Lil' has some big news. She started dance yesterday and when I picked her up, she said, "That was so fun Mom." I'll tell you what is fun Lil'. Seeing you flit around this house in your leotard and tutu with your pink little slippers. That is fun. Until its time to make you change your clothes. Not so fun.
Daddy's parents have been here and before they left yesterday, we had a little celebration dinner and they gave Lil' her birthday gifts. Yep, her's is next. I have to say the theme of the presents that they gave her was a little stripper-ish but of course, Lil' LOVED every single thing. They gave her a mermaid outfit with sequins on it (lots of sequins), a feather boa, some skirts and leotards and slippers for dance and the most gaudy yet beautiful necklace you've ever seen. They nailed it as far as Lil' is concerned.
It's always hard to see them go because the time goes by so fast and furious when they are here. They are so sweet and thoughtful and generous and I'm not just kissing up. Ok, maybe a little. The woman's got some gorgeous diamonds. But we all really do miss them and wish we saw them more.
Speaking of jewelry... I've got some big news of my own. I've decided to become a rep for a jewelry company called Stella and Dot. The jewelry is fun and really well made so I'm hoping that I'll have great success. Starting something like this is not ever something I thought I would do but I'm excited and hopeful and scared and nervous. Here's my new website.
So here goes nothin', I'm rollin' the dice...
Daddy's parents have been here and before they left yesterday, we had a little celebration dinner and they gave Lil' her birthday gifts. Yep, her's is next. I have to say the theme of the presents that they gave her was a little stripper-ish but of course, Lil' LOVED every single thing. They gave her a mermaid outfit with sequins on it (lots of sequins), a feather boa, some skirts and leotards and slippers for dance and the most gaudy yet beautiful necklace you've ever seen. They nailed it as far as Lil' is concerned.
It's always hard to see them go because the time goes by so fast and furious when they are here. They are so sweet and thoughtful and generous and I'm not just kissing up. Ok, maybe a little. The woman's got some gorgeous diamonds. But we all really do miss them and wish we saw them more.
Speaking of jewelry... I've got some big news of my own. I've decided to become a rep for a jewelry company called Stella and Dot. The jewelry is fun and really well made so I'm hoping that I'll have great success. Starting something like this is not ever something I thought I would do but I'm excited and hopeful and scared and nervous. Here's my new website.
So here goes nothin', I'm rollin' the dice...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
You're Dead To Me
Careful. The next pictures on this post are G-R-O-S-S! 2 weeks ago, I was bitten by a spider apparently. I'm thinking one of those little brown recluse's because I didn't feel it. What started out as little blisters has grown into something completely and utterly disgusting that makes mothers pull their children closer and cashiers dash for the antibacterial soap.
I was sent to a hand specialist last Wednesday who tested me for staph and all sorts of other fine things. He put me on some pretty stiff antibiotics. Things are improving but very slowly and I'd really like to bend my index finger but I just can't do it yet.
Here's what it looked like before the hand specialist. That knuckle just ain't normal. If you'd like a closer look, click on the image.

Here's after...

And here's today...

I've never really had an issue with spiders. I've let them live their lives. I even let a banana spider hang out on my window for a week or 2 this summer. But that's all changed now. You're dead to me, spiders. Literally.
I was sent to a hand specialist last Wednesday who tested me for staph and all sorts of other fine things. He put me on some pretty stiff antibiotics. Things are improving but very slowly and I'd really like to bend my index finger but I just can't do it yet.
Here's what it looked like before the hand specialist. That knuckle just ain't normal. If you'd like a closer look, click on the image.
Here's after...
And here's today...
I've never really had an issue with spiders. I've let them live their lives. I even let a banana spider hang out on my window for a week or 2 this summer. But that's all changed now. You're dead to me, spiders. Literally.
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