Friday, August 24, 2012


He's new. He's red. He fetches. He is Calhoun the Kitty Cat...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

No You're Not

Big is a summer kid just like me. He likes the freedom that summer gives him. When that last bell in May rings and he comes sprinting outta school - it's on.

This summer Big did a lot of this...

and this...

and apparently has a new found appreciation for things like these...

because while sitting at the beach the other day I looked over and noticed his intent gaze. I said, "What are you thinking about Big?" He answered, "Am I old enough?"

No, Son. No . You're . Not.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Did You Get Here

Big day round our house and it started early. Lil' woke up with a smile on her face and her first words were "I'm so excited!" Big didn't share the same sentiment but still got up without an attitude which is a huge favor. There were no tears on either of their parts this morning and I held it together at drop off but a little one slipped out on my way to work. They both have great teachers this year and their Emmie will be right there with them every single day. That makes my heart feel hugged. 4th grade and Kindergarten - How did you get here??

Please notice Big's VERY forced smile...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The One and Only

Lil' loves a cell phone. She wants one of her own so badly. Of course she's only 5.975 years old so we don't let her have one but needless to say she spends a lot of time on ours. She loves to play all the games, sometimes she'll record a video of herself but lots of times, we retrieve our phones to find many, many self portraits of the one and only...

Monday, August 20, 2012


Last week was IT for us. The last dance. The last hurrah. The last of our summer free for all. We spent each day doing as much fun stuff as we could. Lots of beach days, fishing days, bowling, bike rides, ice cream, staying up late. Soaking up each scorching hot second and trying to make it last and last. Before last week got here, I was really dreading it. I hate lasts. But the lasts gave me some of favorite summer memories and moments to hear things like....

"I wish I could start this day all over again."

"Thanks for taking us Mom."

"Thanks for making that happen."

and these moments will stick with me. They will last.

Monday, August 13, 2012

We All Have Fun

Camp She-Me is a little something we all look forward to every summer. When it's time for Camp She-Me it means that we get Miss E all to ourselves for a whole week and that means we are all gonna laugh a whole bunch. It also means that we are gonna go to the beach, the water park, the children's musuem, swim in the pool, eat chicken nuggets and gelato and play with every single toy in this house. It means that we . all . have . fun .

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hear Her Roar!

EEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! I almost forgot to share one of Lil's biggest moments this summer! One random day back in June I woke up and decided that was the day Lil' was getting her ears pierced. No big holiday, no birthday just another ole' day that we were gonna make special. When I asked her if she wanted to go she couldn't believe what I was saying - I had always told her that we would go on her birthday. And even though she was completely nervous, she was ready! We convinced "little angel" to come along seeing as how she was already an expert at this sort of thing. Thank goodness for little angel because she made Lil' feel so much better. She hardly even cried. She is gonna be great a childbirth.

Brace yourselves... Lil' is woman - hear her roar!

Walking into Claire's...

Sittin' in the chair...
