Monday, July 30, 2012

What Your Camera Catches...

I took the kids on our "annual" summer road trip to visit my grandparents. This little trip is so important to me on some many different levels. The first one selfishly is that I hope they remember the memory and weave it into the fabric of their children's experience. I hope they take their children to visit Arizona and Chapin and make an effort for their own kids to have a bond with their great grandparents. You have to know where you've come from to have any idea of where you may want to go in this life. Find out why certain things are important to you.

Second, I had to check on Mabel to see for myself that she is okay. I had to lay my own eyes on her and absorb her new surroundings. She recently moved to Greensboro and left the beach. Lord and Clyde only know how hard this must be on her but she is handling it and handling it beautifully I might add.

Lastly, a visit to Wagram will always set things straight in your heart and your head. It's good to get there and get yourself ironed out and see what your camera can catch...

Lil' and our family's infamous Boot...

Thinkin' bout things...

One of the houses my Dad grew up in...

Wagram's Front Porch...

Still ponderin'...

Aunt Beck..

I've done this very same thing so many times...

Grandma's House...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pep In Our Family

Cheerleading camp was a gamble. I wasn't sure how it was gonna play out but it proved to be a tremendous success. Lil' not only loved it, she was good at it. The cheer thing has never really shook my pompom but there are lots of things that I don't know a whole lot about that Lil' has introduced me to.  She definitely puts the pep in our family...

Monday, July 9, 2012


I love being with my friends and when you throw being with my friends on top of being with my family, well.... it's just brilliant. Our July 4th tradition was born several years ago and it has grown and turned into... perfection.